Middle School Students' Line Graph Skills and Affective States about Common Graph Types Used in Science Courses

Murat Bursal, Fuat Polat
1765 907


This study investigated the graphing skills and some affective states of middle school students about graphs by their gender, grade level, and the common graph types used in science courses. Participants’ line graph skills, self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes toward graphs, and their personal literacy perceptions about different graph types (line, bar, and pie) are explored quantitatively. Qualitative data was collected about the views of participants about graphs in general, as well as about the factors that impact students like/dislike certain graph types. Based on the findings, while participants were found to lack line graph skills, they were found to hold high self-efficacy beliefs and positive attitudes toward graphs. No significant difference among the dependent variables was found based on gender; however, grade level and graph type variables were found to impact students’ graph skills and personal graph literacy perceptions. Among the commonly used graphs in middle schools, a vast majority of students favored bar graphs, mostly due to the simplicity of them, and disliked pie charts, as finding them difficult to draw.


Bar graph, Graph literacy, Graph attitude, Line graph, Graph self-efficacy, Pie chart

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Bursal, M. & Polat, F. (2020). Middle school students’ line graph skills and affective states about common graph types used in science courses. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST), 8(4), 290-303.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46328/ijemst.v8i4.1026


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