Analysis of an Interactive Technology Supported Problem-Based Learning STEM Project Using Selected Learning Sciences Interest Areas (SLSIA)

David Devraj Kumar
1284 424


This paper reports an analysis of an interactive technology-supported, problem-based learning (PBL) project in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from a Learning Sciences perspective using the Selected Learning Sciences Interest Areas (SLSIA).  The SLSIA was adapted from the “What kinds of topics do ISLS [International Society of the Learning Sciences] members study”? (ISLS, n.d.). The SLSIA is applied to analyze a case study, the interactive technology supported PBL simulation in water quality project the River of Life.  This analysis using the SLSIA provides STEM education stakeholders with a reflective framework in designing interactive technology supported environments for PBL in STEM, and a platform for initiating thoughtful discussions on research and development efforts.

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