Developing a Handbook on Multimedia Integration in Mathematics Teaching for Indonesian Primary School Students

Herry Agus Susanto, Hobri Hobri, Theresia Kriswianti Nugrahaningsih
1580 1031


This study has developed a digital mathematics handbook that helps students to strengthen their mathematical skills at the elementary level of education. A survey of mathematics teachers collected data. In developing an integration manual on technology based on a survey of the state of technological integration in schools, it employed a research and development (R&D) approach. A number of 24 teachers participated in the material creation. The multimedia materials produced during the trial were developed and used. Participants consisted of primary learning children. Results have shown that the trainers' preferred theory is undergraduate, and most of them have a poor capacity to integrate creativity into a research analysis. In the presentation of the under-graduates in mathematics the material produced was extremely good.


Multimedia integration, Technology Acceptance Model, Mathematics handbook

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Susanto, H. A., Hobri, & Nugrahaningsih, T. K. (2021). Developing a handbook on multimedia integration in mathematics teaching for Indonesian primary school students. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 9(2), 236-251.



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