An Exploratory Study of Predictors of Pre-Service Teachers’ Intention to Integrate Computer Games in Mathematics Education

Xiongyi Liu, Patrick Wachira, Selma Koc, Roland Pourdavood
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The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine whether specific attitudes and beliefs among pre-service teachers about the use of computer games in mathematics teaching and learning predict their intention to integrate computer games in future mathematics teaching. Data were collected via a questionnaire from 119 teacher education students in a mathematics methods class at a midwestern USA university. Findings indicate that previous experience of computer gaming, gamer identity, self-efficacy for computer game-based teaching, perceived educational benefits of computer games, and gender stereotypes about computer gaming were significantly related to intention to integrate computer games in future teaching. Multi-level linear regression analysis indicates that self-efficacy, perceived benefits and gender stereotypes did not explain significantly more variance in intention for game integration above and beyond that explained by previous experience of computer gaming and gamer identity. Gender and specialization of the preservice teachers were related to previous experience of computer gaming and gamer identity. The results and educational implications of the study for teacher education and policy making are discussed and limitations of the study are addressed.


Attitudes, Beliefs, Computer games, Preservive teachers, Mathematics education

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Liu, X., Wachira, P., Koc, S., & Pourdavood, R. (2022). An exploratory study of predictors of pre-service teachers’ intention to integrate computer games in mathematics education. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 10(1), 145-161.



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