Development of Blended Learning Type and Flipped Classroom-Based Cultural Arts Subjects

Nurhayati Nurhayati, Dina Ampera, Surniati Chalid, Farihah Farihah, Baharuddin Baharuddin
1452 885


This research development is motivated by low learning outcomes Art Culture students of class XI software engineering 1 SMK Negeri 14 Medan. This study aims to (1) describe the design of blended learning development, (2) to describe the validity of the blended learning development result, and (3) to know the effectiveness of the use of blended learning on the subjects of Art Culture. The type of this research is development research using ADDIE model. Data in the study was collected using document recording method, questionnaire, and test. Instruments used in data collection are document recording reports, questionnaire sheets, and multiple-choice objectives. The collected data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis technique, quantitative descriptive analysis technique, and inferential statistical analysis technique/inductive t-test. The results of the research show that (1) the design of blended learning development through ADDIE model consisting of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, (2) validation product validated from expert and user review with (a) subjects showed excellent predicated blended learning (90.53%); (b) the results of the design review indicated that blended learning was very good (93%); (c) the results of the media review indicated that blended learning was very good (95%); (d) individual trial results, small group trials, and field trials showed that blended learning predicate very good (98.82%), good (87.84%), and very good (92.55%), (3) on the efficacy test of blended learning shows that the result of t-count (22.07)> t-table (2.007). This means, there are significant differences in student learning outcomes between before and after using blended. Thus blended learning is developed effectively to improve Art Culture learning outcomes.


Blended learning, Development, Flipped classroom, Cultural art

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Nurhayati, Ampera, D., Chalid, S., Farihah, & Baharuddin (2021). Development of blended learning type and flipped classroom-based cultural arts subjects. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 9(4), 655-667.



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