Implementation of Cloud Computing System in Learning System Development in Engineering Education Study Program

Baharuddin Baharuddin, Dina Ampera, Hesti Febriasari, Muhammad Aulia Rahman Sembiring, Abdul Hamid
1948 731


The development of technology demands a variety of activities that can be easily accessed regardless of space and time. The development of information technology has become an innovative, dynamic, and economically profitable solution. Information technology is the answer to the problems and challenges faced by the world of education. Cloud computing is changing the way information technology services are provided and distributed so that institutions have the opportunity to access the educational and scientific information. Cloud computing technology is a new paradigm in the delivery of computing services, which has many advantages compared to conventional systems. This study discusses cloud computing in general and some examples of the application of cloud computing services and their benefits in the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program environment. The case study taken is the application of cloud computing services in the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program, where cloud computing is a computing model, as resources such as processors or computing power, storage, networks, and software are abstracted and provided as services on a network or internet with using the remote access pattern. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cloud computing might be applied to learning, as well as the benefits provided by cloud computing in the development of learning systems. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of literature studies. Based on the research conducted, the results show that the services provided by cloud computing have various benefits, namely increasing efficiency and effectiveness in the use of cloud computing-based technology in the learning process.


Cloud computing, Learning system, Learning innovation

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Baharuddin, Ampera, D., Fibriasari, H., Sembiring, M. A. R., & Hamid, A. (2021). Implementation of cloud computing system in learning system development in engineering education study program. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 9(4), 728-740.



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