Implementing Entrepreneurship Education in Extracurricular Activity (ECA) for Students

Adisel Adisel, Debby Andriany, Suryati Suryati, Heldy Ramadhan Putra P.
1260 601


The entrepreneurship program has been rapidly growing as one of the extracurricular programs delivered in education institutions, including primary and high schools. One of the endeavors to advance students' interest in entrepreneurship education is providing ECA (extracurricular activity) for the students at school. This research is a case study focused on implementing the HBC (Hilaris Business Class) Program. The researchers conducted this research to see the effectiveness of this extracurricular activity program. The critical informants of this study consisted of the school principals and teachers who managed the program. The researchers collected the data through interviews, document analysis, and observations. The result of this research signified that HBC, uniquely, was designed based on the integration of the Indonesian Curriculum and Singaporean Curriculum by considering the students' need analysis and profile. The program was implemented inside (entrepreneurship literacy and business planning) and outside the school (cooperation with professional enterprises, company visits, and business plan execution). In the end, the program was evaluated by reflecting on student achievements and skills. Additionally, the HBC program was claimed to benefit the students and the teachers, school, and parents. This program might be helpful to meet much more demanding world development in the future by elevating its target and objectives.


Entrepreneurship education, Extra-curricular activities, Primary school, Business class

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Adisel, Andriany, D., Suryati, & Putra P., H.R. (2022). Implementing entrepreneurship education in extracurricular activity (ECA) for students. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 10(4), 955-970.



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