Analysis of Teachers' Research Competencies, Scientific Process Skills and the Level of Using Information and Communication Technologies

Yerdan Katayev, Gulbanu Saduakas, Sazhila Nurzhanova, Akerke Umirbekova, Yernar Ospankulov, Sokhiba Zokirova
1004 464


The aim of this study is to examine the research and ICT competencies and scientific process skills of teachers in different branches in Kazakhstan and the relationship between these three variables. The sample of the study consists of 258 teachers working in different cities of Kazakhstan in the 2022-2023 academic year. Teacher Research Competence Scale, Scientific Process Skills Scale and Information and Communication Technologies Competence Scale were used as data collection tools. Arithmetic mean, unrelated sample t test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple linear regression analysis methods were used to analyze the data obtained. As a result of the research, it was determined that the participant teachers had moderate level of competencies in using research and information communication technologies and scientific process skills. Participant teachers' competencies in using research and information communication technologies and scientific process skills show significant differences according to their gender and branches. In particular, it was observed that teachers working in science and mathematics branches exhibited high research and ICT competencies and scientific process skills. Finally, significant relationships were observed between participant teachers' research and ICT competencies and scientific process skills. Scientific process skills were found to be the most important factor affecting teachers' research skills and competencies.


Teachers' research competence, Scientific process skills, Information and communication technologies, Kazakhstan

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Katayev, Y., Saduakas, G., Nurzhanova, S., Umirbekova, A., Ospankulov, Y., & Zokirova, S. (2023). Analysis of teachers' research competencies, scientific process skills and the level of using information and communication technologies. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 11(5), 1184-1203.



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