Enhancing Mathematical Interest through Visual Arts Integration: A Systematic Literature Review

Sisilia Sylviani, Fahmi Candra Permana, Ahamad Tarmizi Azizan
422 249


This study explores the inclusion of the visual arts in mathematics instruction as a means of piquing students' interest in a topic that is frequently regarded as difficult. We evaluate numerous research that have been undertaken in this situation by completing an extensive literature study. Our findings show that the inclusion of visual arts in mathematics instruction has been helpful in piquing students' attention, boosting their motivation, and creating possibilities for them to investigate challenging mathematical ideas in a more imaginative way. These results provide a deeper understanding of the importance of visual arts in creating an engaging mathematics learning environment. The study also highlights challenges that need to be addressed and provides insights for further development in the application of visual arts in mathematics education. Thus, the integration of visual arts has significant potential to build interest in mathematics and enrich students' learning experiences.


visual art, mathematics education, engaging pedagogy, challenge in education

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Sylviani, S., Permana, F.C., & Azizan A.T (2024). Enhancing mathematical interest through visual arts integration: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 12(5), 1217-1235. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijemst.4118

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46328/ijemst.4118


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