The Perception of Preservice Mathematics Teachers on the Role of Scaffolding in Achieving Quality Mathematics Classroom Instruction

Iliya Joseph Bature, Adamu Gagdi Jibrin
743 235


This paper was designed to investigate the perceptions of four preservice mathematics teachers on the role of scaffolding in supporting and assisting them achieves quality classroom teaching. A collaborative approach to teaching through a community of practice was used to obtain data for the three research objectives that were postulated. Two methods were used to collect data for the research which include classroom observations and the reflection meetings. While the researchers adopted the grounded theory approach to collate and discuss the data collected for the study. The findings of the study suggested that the researchers uses varied approaches to provide scaffolding to the teachers and the teachers’ perception of the role of scaffolding was positive as they view scaffolding as providing the opportunity to observe one another’s strength and weaknesses. It also provided opportunity for them to discuss, dialogue, debate and criticize one another’s thoughts in the process of achieving quality classroom instruction. In conclusion the researchers suggested that scaffolding could be a useful approach to helping teachers achieve quality classroom teaching and to having positive perceptions to teaching in general. The researchers therefore, recommend that the adoption of scaffolding strategies to Nigerian mathematics classroom could help improve the teaching of mathematics.


Scaffolding, Mathematics teaching, Supports

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