Developing Flipbook-based Teaching-Learning Material in the Culinary Arts Program of Unimed

Erli Mutiara, Esi Emilia
1226 736


The digital era requires learning materials which is easily accessible online or offline. This research and development study aims to develop flipbook-based teaching-learning material for the Indonesian Snacks and Beverages course in the Culinary Arts Program of Unimed. Data were obtained by interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The teaching-learning material was assessed for feasibility by subject, language, and media experts (3 of each) to assess the content, wording, and design. The trial stage involved 40 students and one lecturer to assess the effectiveness of the material. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results of this study show the problems in the course, such as low motivation of students, lack of parental support, lack of effective teaching-learning material, difficulty in obtaining proper learning sources on the Internet, and limited textbooks for the lecturer. The developed teaching-learning material alleviates some of these problems. The feasibility test results are as follows: subject expert: 3.23 (good); media expert: 3.28 (very good); language expert 3.02 (good). The small group trial stage and field trial results are 3.49 and 3.64, respectively. This finding shows that the developed flipbook-based teaching-learning material is feasible to use in the Indonesian Snacks and Beverages course.


Development, Teaching-learning material, Flipbook, Culinary arts

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Mutiara, E., & Emilia, E. (2022). Developing flipbook-based teaching-learning material in the Culinary Arts Program of Unimed. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 10(3), 650-662.



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