Independent Curriculum Learning Management to Improve Students’ Literacy and Numerical Competence in Schools

Rosnelli Rosnelli, Pitra Ashrin Ristiana
1063 727


This study aims to describe: 1) students' perceptions of the efforts that must be made to improve literacy and numeracy competencies and 2) significant differences regarding the efforts that must be made to improve literacy and numeracy competencies when viewed from gender and numeracy differences-school status. The descriptive approach was followed in this study. The research sample consisted of 160 students from public and private schools in North Sumatra, which implemented an independent curriculum—a questionnaire of 67 valid and reliable items. The study results prove that students' literacy and numeracy competencies are in good categories, especially in literacy, literacy and numeracy, scientific, digital, financial, cultural, and citizenship. If viewed from the status of the school, there is no difference in the perception of the efforts that must be made to improve literacy and numeracy competencies. However, there are differences in terms of gender differences. The analysis of the research results recommends that educator training is needed to improve student's literacy and numeracy through activities: 1) doing simple research with friends in the numeration group, 2) reasoning systematically in solving problems, 3) drawing conclusions based on facts, 4) getting used to using ICT properly and correctly to improve knowledge, attitudes, and skills, 5) distinguish between needs and desires and 6) can take attitudes in a social environment as part of a culture.


Learning Management Independent Curriculum Literacy and numeracy

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Rosnelli & Ristiana, P. A. (2023). Independent curriculum learning management to improve students’ literacy and numerical competence in schools. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 11(4), 946-963.



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