The Study of Effective Methods and Strategies for the Professional Development of Educators: Mentorship, Collaboration, and Self-Organization Skills

Abay Duisenbayev, Zulfiya Shavaliyeva, Inkar Khassanova, Shynar Turebayeva, Salima Seitenova, Kenzhekhan Medeubayeva
1578 413


It is essential for prospective teachers to be skilled in planning learning-teaching processes correctly and using teaching strategies and methods effectively. In this context, it is important for them to have the skills of using learning strategies, mentoring and self-regulation and to work collaboratively. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between mentoring, collaborative work and self-regulation skills of prospective teachers and their ability to use teaching strategies and methods. The study, which was designed with the correlational survey model, was conducted in 5 different universities in Kazakhstan in the academic year 2022-2023. The research sample consisted of 253 prospective teachers. According to the findings of the study, prospective teachers' mentoring, collaborative work, self-regulation skills, and use of teaching strategies and methods were found to be at a moderate level. According to another finding of the study, prospective teachers' mentoring, collaborative working and self-regulation skills and their ability to use instructional strategies and methods increased significantly as the grade level increased. Finally, according to the regression analysis, mentoring, collaborative work and self-regulation skills of prospective teachers significantly predicted their ability to use instructional strategies and methods.


Kazakhstan, Prospective teachers, Mentorship, Collaboration, Self-organization skills

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Duisenbayev, A., Shavaliyeva, Z., Khassanova, I., Turebayeva, S., Seitenova, S., & Medeubayeva, K. (2024). The study of effective methods and strategies for the professional development of educators: Mentorship, collaboration, and self-organization skills. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 12(2), 450-469.



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