Third Graders’ Identities as “Persons Who Understand Nature of Science” through an Electricity Unit

Naime Elcan Kaynak, Valarie L. Akerson, Emel Cevik
1249 520


The purpose of this study is to explore third grade elementary students’ Nature of Science (NOS) identities as a result of participating in a unit on electricity. The study took place in the context of a diverse third grade “at risk” (as identified by state regulations) classroom. Videotapes were made of all aspects of the electricity lessons, including pre-lesson class discussions, activities engaged in by students, and follow-up class discussions at the conclusion of each lesson. Findings revealed that third graders began to develop identities of persons who conceptualize NOS. Even though through one unit they did not address all aspects of NOS, they showed great development in their identities for young third grade students.


Early childhood, Nature of science, Electricity

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Elcan Kaynak, N., Akerson, V.L., & Cevik, E. (2020). Third graders’ identities as “persons who understand nature of science” through an electricity unit. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST), 8(1), 44-52.



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