Evolution of a Model for Socio-Scientific Issue Teaching and Learning

Troy D. Sadler, Jaimie A. Foulk, Patricia J. Friedrichsen
2925 1282


Socio-scientific teaching and learning (SSI-TL) has been suggested as an effective approach for supporting meaningful learning in school contexts; however, limited tools exist to support the work of designing and implementing this approach. In this paper, we draw from a series of four design based research projects that have produced SSI curriculum materials, research findings, and design insights. The paper describes the creation and evolution of a model for SSI-TL. The model highlights a sequence of learning experiences that should be featured in SSI-TL and the kinds of learning objectives that should result. Student learning experiences should include encountering a focal SSI; engaging in science practices, disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts as well as socio-scientific reasoning practices; and synthesizing key ideas and practices through a culminating exercise. The proposed learning objectives align with Next Generation Science Standards and also reflect the important social dimensions of SSI.

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