Focus on the Assessment Concerns of In-service and Pre-service Mathematics Teachers

Yaniv Biton, Ester Halfon
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Evaluation in mathematics is an inherent part of the discipline. In the current study, issues in the assessment of mathematics that concern MTs and S-MTs are studied. The basic assumption for this study is that improving teachers’ ability to deal with the challenges of assessment necessitates examining whether those issues are essential or technical. We first identified assessment issues that concern teachers and student teachers and then defined them as essential or technical difficulties. Sample questions included: What concerns do elementary and middle school MTs and S-MTs have with respect to student assessment, particularly with respect to alternative assessment methods? To what degree do these concerns  represent essential or technical difficulties? At what frequency do elementary and middle school MTs and S-MTs encounter these difficulties? We found three main concerns – validity and reliability of exams; heterogeneity of the evaluated students; knowledge and achievements as reflected in the evaluation. The found that teachers seek solutions to practical assessment concerns and aspire to professional and credible evaluations that contribute to the students’ math development.


evaluation methods in mathematics, alternative evaluation, teaching and assessment of mathematics, quality mathematic teachers' training

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Biton, Y. & Halfon, E. (2024). Focus on the assessment concerns of in-service and pre-service mathematics teachers. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 12(1), 230-250.



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