Examination of Laboratory Perceptions of Pre-Service Science Teachers with Different Goal Orientations on Inquiry-Based Analytical Chemistry Courses: A Case Study

Burak Feyzioglu
1037 416


In this research, the laboratory perceptions of pre-service science teachers with different goal orientations in analytical chemistry courses in which an inquiry-based laboratory approach had been adopted were examined in a case study.  From the pre-interviews conducted with 37 pre-service science teachers, 3 pre-service science teachers with different goal orientations were identified using the purposive criterion sampling method. The pre-service science teachers’ laboratory perceptions and goal orientations were monitored for a period of 11 weeks and this process was implemented via reflective diaries, experiment reports and interviews. At the end of the research, the perceptions of the laboratory among the pre-service science teachers whose initial goal orientation had been avoidance of performance remained as confirmation and deductive during the 11 weeks. This fact notwithstanding, a change did occur in the laboratory perceptions of pre-service science teachers who had adopted a performance and mastery approach during the inquiry process. It was determined that during the inquiry process, the pre-service science teachers’ perceptions of the laboratory were shaped by their goal orientations. This was discussed together with the underlying reasons in terms of the open-endedness and integration dimensions of laboratory perceptions.


Goal orientation, perceptions of the laboratory, pre-service science teachers, inquiry-based learning environment.

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Feyzioglu, B. (2019). Examination of laboratory perceptions of pre-service science teachers with different goal orientations on inquiry-based analytical chemistry courses: A case study. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST), 7(3), 281-310.


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