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Issue Title
Year: 2014 Volume: 2 Number: 1 Connectivity Theory at Work: The Referrals between Science and Mathematics in a Science Unit Abstract   PDF
Deniz Mehmetlioglu, Yasemin Ozdem
Year: 2015 Volume: 3 Number: 1 Constructed-Response as an Alternative to Interviews in Conceptual Change Studies: Students’ Explanations of Force Abstract   PDF
Sharon Price Schleigh, Douglas B. Clark, Muhsin Menekse
Year: 2017 Volume: 5 Number: 2 (Special Issue on Socioscientific Issues) Contextualization of Nature of Science within the Socioscientific Issues Framework: A Review of Research Abstract   PDF
Dilek Karisan, Dana L. Zeidler
Year: 2021 Volume: 9 Number: 1 Correlational Study of Student Perceptions of their Undergraduate Laboratory Environment with respect to Gender and Major Abstract   PDF
Eva Nyutu, William W. Cobern, Brandy A-S. Pleasants
Year: 2014 Volume: 2 Number: 2 Creating a Taken-As-Shared Understanding for Scientific Explanation: Classroom Norm Perspective Abstract   PDF
Yilmaz Saglam, Emre Harun Karaaslan, Alipasa Ayas
Year: 2024 Volume: 12 Number: 4 Creating Connections: Using Problem-Based Instruction with Mathematics and Technology like GeoGebra for STEM Integration Abstract   PDF
Joseph M. Furner
Year: 2022 Volume: 10 Number: 4 Critical Conscience for Construction of Knowledge in Mathematics Education Abstract   PDF
Bed Raj Acharya, Shashidhar Belbase, Ram Krishna Panthi, Bishnu Khanal, Mukunda Prakash Kshetree, Shiva Datta Dawadi
Year: 2023 Volume: 11 Number: 2 Critical Factors Affecting Students' Intention to Adopt Technology-Enhanced Learning Abstract   PDF
Sultan Hammad Alshammari
Year: 2019 Volume: 7 Number: 3 Cross-age Math Tutoring of Kindergarten and First Grade Students by Middle School Tutors Abstract   PDF
Kathi Haynes, Janna Brendle
Year: 2018 Volume: 6 Number: 4 (Special Issue on Engineering Education) Cross-Case Analysis of Engineering Education Experiences in Inclusive STEM-Focused High Schools in the United States Abstract   PDF
Erin E. Peters-Burton, Todd Johnson
Year: 2023 Volume: 11 Number: 3 Cultural Differences and Coaching Styles of Physical Education Teachers in Hong Kong and Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Sujarwo Sujarwo, Soni Nopembri, Erwin Setyo Kriswanto, Jason Mak Tsz Shun, Galih Priyambada, Nanda Alfian Mahardhika
Year: 2018 Volume: 6 Number: 3 (Special Issue on Engineering Education) Culture, Identity, and Motivation in Engineering Education [Editorial Essay] Abstract   PDF
Mack Shelley, Senay Purzer
Year: 2018 Volume: 6 Number: 2 (Special Issue on Educational Uses of iPads and Tablets) Designing Spaces for Creativity and Divergent Thinking: Pre-Service Teachers Creating Stop Motion Animation on Tablets Abstract   PDF
Ian O'Byrne, Nenad Radakovic, Tracey Hunter-Doniger, Madison Fox, Reggie Kern, Stephanie Parnell
Year: 2020 Volume: 8 Number: 1 Determination of Conceptual Understanding Levels Related to Optics Concepts: The Case of Opticianry Abstract   PDF
Erdogan Ozdemir, Mustafa Coramik, Handan Urek
Year: 2013 Volume: 1 Number: 4 Determining the Factors That Affect the Objectives of Pre-Service Science Teachers to Perform Outdoor Science Activities Abstract   PDF
Ersin Karademir, Sinan Erten
Year: 2021 Volume: 9 Number: 2 Developing a Handbook on Multimedia Integration in Mathematics Teaching for Indonesian Primary School Students Abstract   PDF
Herry Agus Susanto, Hobri Hobri, Theresia Kriswianti Nugrahaningsih
Year: 2018 Volume: 6 Number: 1 Developing a useful and integrative STEM disciplinary language Abstract   PDF
Robert M. Capraro, Luciana R. Barroso, Sandra Nite, Devyn Rice, Yvonna Lincoln, Jamaal Young, Jemimah Young
Year: 2022 Volume: 10 Number: 3 Developing Flipbook-based Teaching-Learning Material in the Culinary Arts Program of Unimed Abstract   PDF
Erli Mutiara, Esi Emilia
Year: 2020 Volume: 8 Number: 4 Development and Validation of Robotic Coding Attitude Scale Abstract   PDF
Sema Altun Yalcin, Sakip Kahraman, Zeynel Abidin Yilmaz
Year: 2023 Volume: 11 Number: 1 Development of 3D-based Learning Modules for University Students Abstract   PDF
Farihah Farihah, Harun Sitompul, Dina Ampera, Samsidar Tanjung, Ismail Jahidin
Year: 2022 Volume: 10 Number: 3 Development of a Lower Passing Model for Volleyball Based Umbrella Learning Approach Abstract   PDF
Dewi Endriani, Harun Sitompul, R Mursid, Rahma Dewi
Year: 2023 Volume: 11 Number: 2 Development of a Website-Based Sexual Violence Management Information System in Higher Education Abstract   PDF
Endin Mujahidin, Abdul Rahmat Rosyadi, Novita Br Ginting, Rudi Hartono, Hasan Basri Tanjung
Year: 2021 Volume: 9 Number: 4 Development of Blended Learning Type and Flipped Classroom-Based Cultural Arts Subjects Abstract   PDF
Nurhayati Nurhayati, Dina Ampera, Surniati Chalid, Farihah Farihah, Baharuddin Baharuddin
Year: 2022 Volume: 10 Number: 2 Development of Learning Variations to Improve Basic Jumping Skills and Play Approaches of Elementary School Students Abstract   PDF
Doris Apriani Ritonga, Suryadi Damanik, Saipul Ambri Damanik, Suprayitno Suprayitno, Galih Priyambada
Year: 2023 Volume: 11 Number: 2 Development of Physical Exercise E-book and Management of Diet in Football Athletes Abstract   PDF
Ardi Nusri, Esi Emilia, Tyas Permatasari, Yatty Destani Sandy, Caca Pratiwi, Erni Rukmana, Latifah Rahman Nurfazriah
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